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The transition to market relations in the economy and scientific and technological progress has enormously accelerated the pace at which the latest achievements in the field of informatization are being introduced into all spheres of social and economic life in society. The term “informatization” first appeared with the creation of local multiterm information-computing systems and mass service networks.
Achievement of high results in the economy and social sphere and gaining a place as a full-fledged partner in the global economic system largely depend on the scale of modern information technologies in all aspects of human activity, as well as on the role that these technologies will play in increasing the efficiency of public work.
In recent years, the domestic science has made a significant contribution to the development of theoretical foundations of informatization, thus initiating the birth of information science, which is the result of analysis and synthesis of scientific directions of research of phenomena and processes on a single information basis.
For the first time it has been proved that information is not only the subject of thorough study, consumption along with energy, mass, space and time taken together, but also becomes the most actual and scarce nowadays in all spheres of human life.
Informatization in the field of management of economic processes presupposes, first of all, increase of labor productivity of workers at the expense of decrease in the ratio of cost/production, and also improvement of qualification and professional literacy of specialists occupied by management activity.
The sphere of application of new information technologies on the basis of PC and developed means of communication is very extensive in economics and includes various aspects, starting from providing the simplest functions of official correspondence to system analysis and support of complex tasks of decision making.
Personal computers, laser and optical equipment, mass media and various types of communication, including satellite communications, allow institutions, enterprises, firms, organizations, their work teams and individual specialists to get the full range of necessary information at the right time.
Information processes as active forces of interrelation inside and between economic objects of management are based on the use of various technological decisions and give the chance to refer the information to a category of the most important, valuable and expensive resources saving labour, material and financial means.
Actuality of studying of the theory and practice of the automated information technologies in management activity explains inclusion of discipline automated information technologies in economy in the state standards of higher professional education on economic specialities and preparation.
The purpose of the academic discipline is to provide knowledge in the field of applied computer science, informatization and methods of solving management problems in the environment of automated information technologies.
Devoted to methodological issues of creation and functioning of automated information systems, workplaces and new technologies of management activities. The prerequisites for the creation and conditions for the implementation of automated information technologies as applied to management procedures are considered.
The description of automated information technologies for solving specific functional tasks in various management bodies of financial and economic institutions, industrial enterprises, organizations of production and non-production spheres.